WordPress vs. Static Websites: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Small Business

Small business owners often find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to building their online presence. The decision between using WordPress or a static website can significantly impact the maintenance, security, and performance of your site. This article will provide a comprehensive comparison to help small business owners and those in e-commerce make an informed choice.

Understanding WordPress

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a widely-used content management system (CMS) that has evolved significantly since its inception in 2003. As an open-source platform, it offers extensive flexibility and customisation options, making it a popular choice for various types of websites.

Pros of Using WordPress

Ease of Use

WordPress is known for its user-friendly interface, which allows non-developers to create and manage content.


With numerous SEO plugins available, optimising your site for search engines is straightforward.

Community Support

Being open-source, WordPress has a large community of developers and users who contribute to forums, tutorials, and plugins.

Cons of Using WordPress

Security Vulnerabilities

Due to its popularity, WordPress is a common target for hackers. Regular updates and security measures are necessary to protect your site.

Performance Issues

WordPress sites can become slow, especially with many plugins or complex themes. They can be slow before you have even created your first web page.

Maintenance Requirements

Regular updates for the core software, themes, and plugins are essential to maintain functionality and security.

Understanding Static Websites

What are Static Websites?

Static websites are composed of fixed content where each page exists as a standalone HTML file. Unlike dynamic websites that generate content on the fly using server-side scripting languages and databases, static websites serve the same pre-built content to every visitor.

Basic Concept and Structure

Static websites are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Each webpage is a separate HTML file that exists on the server. When a user requests a page, the server simply sends the pre-built HTML file to the user’s browser. This simplicity contributes to the speed and security of static websites.

Features of Static Websites

Static websites are often built using static site generators like Jekyll or Hugo, which convert plain text files into static HTML pages. These sites are known for their fast loading times and minimal server requirements.

Pros of Using Static Websites

Security Advantages

Static sites are inherently more secure because there are no databases or server-side processes to exploit.

Performance Efficiency

Without the overhead of database queries and dynamic content generation, static sites load very quickly.

Zero Upkeep Required

Once a static site is built, it requires little to no ongoing maintenance. There are no software updates to worry about, reducing the risk of downtime or security breaches.

Cons of Using Static Websites

Limited Interactivity

Static sites lack the dynamic capabilities of WordPress, such as user logins or e-commerce functionalities, unless implemented with additional technologies.

More Technical Knowledge Required

Building and updating static sites often requires familiarity with HTML, CSS, and sometimes static site generators.

Harder to Scale and Manage Content

For large sites or those needing frequent updates, managing static content can become cumbersome.

A Detailed Comparison

Ease of Use


Ideal for non-developers due to its intuitive interface and extensive documentation. Users usually run into trouble when the various software components update and conflict. Unfortunately they usually turn to a developer when this is the case.

Static Websites

Better suited for those with technical skills or developers comfortable with coding. When we create static websites for clients, these sites still cost less to have a us make changes, then the ongoing costs to maintain a WordPress website.



Can be slow, especially with many plugins or complex themes. Requires optimisation for better performance. Can be slow before the user has even started building the content.

Static Websites

Typically faster due to the absence of server-side processing and database queries.



Easily handles large amounts of content and traffic with appropriate hosting and optimisation.

Static Websites

Easily handles high traffic with decent hosting, but updating content across many pages can be challenging without automation tools.



Incredibly vulnerable to attacks without proper security measures. Requires regular updates and monitoring.

Static Websites

More secure by design, as there are no dynamic elements or databases to exploit. In other words there is a large amount less surface area to be compromised.

SEO Capabilities


Offers built-in SEO features and plugins that simplify optimisation. However these plugins need to be paid for.

Static Websites

SEO needs to be handled manually. Although you can’t simply install a plugin to help, you can use third party SEO tools like Semrush to help.

Customisation and Flexibility


Highly customisable with themes and plugins, allowing extensive functionality and design options.

Static Websites

Limited to what is coded, any changes need to be done manually.


Initial Setup Costs

Both platforms can be set up at a similar cost, though WordPress might have additional costs for premium themes and plugins.

Ongoing Maintenance and Fees

WordPress sites incur costs for maintenance such as regular updates, plugins, themes, security measures, and potentially higher hosting fees due to performance optimisation needs. Although users can always try and undertake the maintenance themselves, the cost of plugins and themes still remains.

Use Cases and Recommendations

Case Studies

Cost Savings

Converting a WordPress site to a static one can save significant money on subscriptions and maintenance. Our clients can save substantially after converting, as there were no ongoing plugin, theme subscription or maintenance fees.


Small business owners come to us after their WordPress site has been hacked, converting it to a static site ensures they never face such issues again, providing peace of mind and stability.

Best Scenarios for Using WordPress

E-commerce Platforms with More Than 10 Products

WordPress, with WooCommerce, is ideal for larger e-commerce sites requiring dynamic features and frequent updates.

Sites Requiring Frequent Updates

Businesses needing regular content changes benefit from WordPress’s CMS capabilities. That is, unless these businesses are paying to have the content changed, then it’s similar to a static site.

Best Scenarios for Using Static Websites

Small Business Websites

Static Website are perfect for any small business that wants a secure website with zero maintenance.


Both WordPress and static websites have their merits, and the right choice depends on your specific needs. For small businesses, static websites offer significant cost savings and enhanced security with zero upkeep. WordPress, on the other hand, is recommended for larger e-commerce sites that require frequent updates and extensive customisations. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, you can make an informed decision that best suits your business objectives

At Perth IT Care, we specialise in providing maintenance-free websites that offer peace of mind for small business owners. By leveraging the power of static site generators and platforms like Webflow, we create fast, secure, and reliable websites that require no ongoing upkeep. This means you can focus on running your business while we ensure your online presence remains impeccable and hassle-free. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you save time and money with a maintenance-free website.