Common Causes of Website Outages & How to Prevent Them.

Businesses today rely heavily on their websites as crucial avenues for communication, sales, and marketing. However, website outages can cause severe harm and lead to significant revenue losses. To minimize the risk of these disruptive events, it’s essential to understand the most common causes of website downtime and take steps to prevent them. In this blog post, we’ll explore why websites go down—such as hosting issues, server crashes, network failures, and software problems—and offer practical solutions to help you mitigate these issues and restore your website quickly.

Hosting Issues.


  • Power outages
  • Hardware failures
  • Software updates

When hosting provider servers are down, the website becomes inaccessible to users. Hosting issues can sometimes be resolved quickly but can also take several hours or even days to fix.


Choose a Reputable Hosting Provider.

Server Crashes.


  • Hardware failure
  • Software glitches
  • Security breaches

Server crashes make the website inaccessible, leading to significant downtime and revenue loss.


Implement a Backup Plan.

Perform regular backups of website data and store them securely to restore the website quickly after a crash. Ensure your hosting provider offers frequent backups with sufficient retention.

Utilise Server Virtualisation.

This technology allows multiple virtual servers to run on a single physical server, reducing the risk of downtime due to a single server failure and improving performance by scaling resources as needed. There are many good hosting providers out there that use this.

Almost all website outages are preventable.

Network Failures.


  • DNS problems
  • Routing issues
  • Bandwidth overload

Network failures can slow down, render unresponsive, or completely take down your website.


Limit DNS Access.

Restrict DNS changes to experienced personnel to prevent misconfigurations. Opt for a hosting provider that offers secure DNS management.

Upgrade to Unlimited Bandwidth.

Ensure your hosting plan includes adequate bandwidth to handle traffic spikes and avoid performance problems or complete failures.

Website Software Issues.


  • Bugs
  • Compatibility issues
  • Improper configurations

Software issues can slow down, make unresponsive, or make your website inaccessible.


Keep Software Updated.

Regularly update your CMS, e-commerce platforms, and any third-party plugins or themes to benefit from the latest security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

Ensure Compatibility.

Increase Web Security.

Enhance your website’s security to protect against threats like hacking and malware, which can cause data loss and damage your reputation. Compliance with data protection regulations like the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) is also essential to avoid legal issues.


Website outages can be detrimental to businesses, causing revenue losses and damaging reputations. By understanding the common causes of website outages and implementing preventive measures, businesses can minimize downtime and ensure smooth website operations. Choose a reliable hosting provider, perform regular backups, keep software up-to-date, and increase web security to prevent hosting issues, server crashes, network failures, and software problems.